Pilates breathing is done with
precision, control and concentration. Pilates Trainer believed that circulating
blood could awaken the cells in the body. For the blood to do its work
properly, he believed it had to be charged with oxygen so wastes related to
fatigue could be purged from the body. He believed that full and thorough
inhalation and exhalation were key to oxygenating muscles and is a part of
every exercise. Forced exhalation is key to full inhalation. Practitioners are instructed
to engage their deep abdominal and pelvic muscles and breathe deep into the
back and sides of their ribcage as they exhale and then maintain this
engagement as they inhale.
The energy for all Pilate’s
exercises is said to begin from the center or core and flow outward to the
limbs. Pilates Trainer believed it is vitally important to build a strong
powerhouse. By maintaining control of the core muscles a person creates
stability and a strong foundation for the practice of Pilates.
Quality of movement is vitally
important in the Pilates workout and is emphasized over quantity of
repetitions. By concentrating on smooth, controlled movements, the practitioner
becomes acutely aware of how their body feels. It is important in Pilates that
the mind is in tune with the body thus concentration is key to every movement
in every exercise.
Pilates is built on muscle
control thus uncontrolled, sloppy movements defeat the purpose of the practice.
By teaching balance and control of the body, Pilates teaches the body and
person to work more efficiently. Pilates focuses on perfect and precise
movements. Every movement has a purpose, and to leave out any detail forsakes
the intrinsic value of the exercise. Precision is to become second nature as a
person progresses in their Pilates training. Efficiency of movement is to be
continuous between exercises. Exercises are intended to flow within and into
each other through appropriate transitions. Flow will build strength and
stamina and through continuous movements can re-train the body to move more
efficiently and safer.
Pilates is safe and the amazing
benefits are available to just about anyone. Top athletes and professional
dances use Pilates not only to build strength and help reduce injury, but also
for improvement of flexibility and agility. Models and celebrities practice
Pilates to help maintain beautiful physiques. Practitioners love Pilates for
the body conditioning it truly provides; toned and strengthened core muscle
groups, heightened body awareness, injury prevention, increased flexibility and
control, improved posture and balance, and ease of movement through daily life.
StudioBookings is a simple way to
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http://studiobookingsonline.com/ .