Wednesday 9 March 2016

Online Yoga Management Software

There’s no question that yoga has established itself as much more than a passing fitness fad in the United States and, in fact, all over the world. Yoga’s proliferation from its Indian roots has spawned a multi-billion-dollar-per-year industry in this country alone that shows no signs of waning. One byproduct of the yoga industry’s growth has been an explosion of peripheral industries that have emerged to support the needs of a growing community of yoga entrepreneurs. We now see things like yoga business coaches, yoga retreat planners, and, perhaps most notably, yoga studio management software. 

Fewer than ten years ago, there was no such thing as a software package specifically designed for the needs of yoga studios. But the meteoric rise in the number of yoga studios across the U.S. with a constantly growing clientele, coupled with equally rapid advances in computer and internet technology, have resulted in a new breed of management support that is tailor made for a yoga studio’s needs while staying in step with the latest technological opportunities available to the yoga entrepreneur. 

Yoga can be a meaningful and enjoyable alternative to traditional forms of exercise such as aerobics or aquatic exercise with important health benefits. Yoga can play an important role in reducing stress and frustration that results from pain and disability, and increasing positive feelings and wellbeing.

Yoga can be a safe and effective form of physical activity, but as with any new activity, it is important to take proper precautions. Talk with your doctor first and ask specifically if there should be any limitations or restrictions your doctor wants you to observe. For arthritis patients it is important to discuss with your rheumatologist or orthopedist. For everyone it is important to ask if other medical conditions or medications would limit participation.

The best introduction to yoga is with a qualified yoga therapist or teacher. For group classes, generally a beginner, gentle or therapeutic class will be appropriate. There are even some classes available that are specifically geared toward arthritis. It is important that the class is led by a qualified teacher who can guide you in safe and healthy poses for you and to make changes as needed especially for any limitations you may have. 

Before every class, especially one with a new instructor, you should introduce yourself before the class and discuss your health and specific concerns. If you have significant limitations or would like more individual guidance, consider working one-on-one with a yoga therapist. 

A yoga therapist has more extensive training and will do a thorough initial evaluation and design an individual program for you. Your yoga therapist can also speak directly with your medical doctor about any specific medical concerns that should be considered and share periodic progress notes with your medical providers.
Online Yoga management software provided by Studio Bookings Get a handle on your yoga studio class schedule, registration & billing the easy way. While there are some Yoga software  and yoga poses that do require a great deal of flexibility, strength, and balance, those poses should only be attempted by very experienced yogis and are not for beginners or persons with activity limitations. Again, a good yoga teacher will provide alternatives and modifications to all activities so that students can work within their levels of comfort. For more information visit the site

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